Friday, August 31, 2012

Eastward Ho…
…with Co-Creation

 Editor’s Note: Word has arrived that “Riding the Changes,” the Independent Eye road trip which will stop at The Venue on 35th in Norfolk on Sept. 30, is pulling out of Sebastopol, CA.
            “Riding the Changes” is a performance based dialogue on the life experiences of its performers, Eye co-artists Conrad Bishop and Elizabeth Fuller, and introduces their newly published book, Co-Creation: Fifty Years in the Making.
            Below is Conrad’s notice of the trip’s launch, lifted without permission from the Eye’s September 1 newsletter. For background on the Eye, the performance, and what brings them  to Norfolk,  scroll down to the previous post, “Fifty Years in the Making.”

"Our packing list is done. Our to-do worklist is growing shorter by degrees. Our faithful housesitter is preparing to sit. And I'm having performance-disaster dreams. All of which means that it's only two weeks before we head eastward.

"It's a more modest jaunt than the days when we headed the van down the driveway and didn't return for three months, or when we were doing 150 to 200 shows a year all over the country. But it still feels a bit like the Old Days. We're heading our Prius to the East Coast, full of books, dvds, our tent & sleeping bags, for a total of 22 performance readings in 27 days, after the cross-country zoom.

"We're centered in eastern PA, with jaunts to NY, NH, MA, NJ, MD, DC, and VA. On the way back home, two final gigs in Milwaukee and Boulder. Mostly being lodged with hosts, though some overnights camping and others sacking out in truck stops in the back of the car. The iPod is loaded with Brahms, Mahler, Springsteen, and Tin Hat Trio, who should waft us over the lone prairie in style.

"As indicated on the calendar, if you're in the vicinity of a private house reading and would like to attend, just email us — we'll check with the host to make sure it's not already full and get back to you. If the reading has a location listed, it's a public event and you can just show up. (This is the case at The Venue--Editor's emphasis added.)

Best thing, certainly, is that we'll have a chance to see old friends we've not seen in a long time, as well as networking with the new.


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