Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Struggle for Health Care

Revolution in the Streets?
Or Revolution in the Mind?

Unless ordinary American working people—blue-collar, white, or green—demand adequate, accessible, and affordable health care—shouting out much more vigorously than they have so far—their views will have no impact on Congress.

That was the most distinct message delivered at the public Health Care Reform Forum at the Naro Cinema in Norfolk, VA, the evening of Oct. 7.

And, as some speaking at the forum cautioned, getting that message heard may well mean going to Washington by the hundreds of thousands, sitting down on the Capital Mall, and, if need be, getting arrested.

Whether the hundred or so people who turned out for the forum are ready for that kind of activism was not clear. Still, interest in the issue certainly seemed keen enough, given that so many turned out for an event which came together on short notice, was publicized solely on e-mail lists, and competed that night with some heavy hitters appearing at the Old Dominion University literary festival.

Clearly health-care reform is an issue which people are paying attention to. And, judging from conversations among participants both before and after the Naro event, the bills emerging from Congressional committees and moving toward consideration on the floors of House and Senate are generating a considerable level of frustration. People wonder if it will take a violent uprising to get the attention of politicians, who seem impervious to the needs, let alone the will, of the public.

Most of those in the forum audience seemed to support a single-payer, Medicare-for-All health-care system, which, as many polls show, is favored by a majority of the public, including health care professionals. But it also seemed that many who favor universal Medicare are willing to settle for a strong public option as a fall-back position because they don’t believe their preference has a chance of passing in Congress.

Without at least that minimum provision, it’s safe to say that virtually everyone in the audience felt that any health-care reform Congress passes would, at best, be meaningless.

“This is the civil rights issue of the day,” said Tim McCarthy, who organized the forum with Naro co-owner Tench Phillips. “This issue is where we find the soul of who we are.”

Emphasizing the moral aspects of health care, he said, “We are all in the same boat together. We have to embrace that. We are called to act and engage with deep compassion for one another.”

McCarthy, director of the Family Counseling Center in Virginia Beach and a member of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, also served as moderator and lead-off speaker among four others assembled, who each made brief comments based in their own expertise.

Andrea Miller, local coordinator for Progressive Democrats of America and a member of the Virginia Coalition for Guaranteed Health Care, favors Medicare-for-All, covering “all necessary medical, dental and vision treatment from the cradle to the grave.”

Joe Cook, Hampton Roads coordinator for, agrees with Miller in favoring a single-payer system but believes it’s politically dead. He hopes change will come incrementally, beginning with a public option. “If we could get a public option it would be a tremendous step forward,” he said and asked people to call Virginia Senators Warner and Webb and urge them to support it.

Theresa Stanley, South Hampton Roads coordinator for the Virginia Organizing Project, spoke passionately from her perspective as a grassroots activist working with social justice issues. “Seventy-eight percent of low-income workers have no benefits,” she said. “We can’t afford not to fix health care.” But she agreed with Cook that the public option is the only practical alternative at this time.

Nic Renz, regional Recruitment Coordinator for, urged people to e-mail their Senators and Representatives. “We need at least the public option if not single-payer,” he said.

Dr. Mimi Rosenthal, a professor of Biochemistry at Eastern Virginia Medical School, called the public option “a gimmick” which “doesn’t get rid of the overhead, the competition, or anything. We want a system that actually provides care for people.” Like Andrea Miller, she supports “a real universal system” without co-pays or the need for supplemental insurance.

Focusing the evening’s discussion was the feature-length documentary film Money-Driven Medicine, a stern indictment of the American health-care system as an industry designed to enrich insurers, drug companies, and to some extent doctors and hospitals rather than to meet the health care needs of those suffering from illness.

The film is weighted toward the negative, as if the system functions so poorly it cannot deliver positive outcomes. This is probably overstated. Yet, as anyone knows who has had to navigate the system in quest for relief of a serious illness, getting well is often a hit-or-miss affair, with much waste, faulty diagnosis, and unnecessary, expensive procedures to be endured and high-end pharmaceutical drugs to be paid for along the way.

Two film clips were also shown, one decrying the much-publicized Baucus Bill, hammered out in the Senate Finance Committee chaired by Montana Democrat Max Baucus, which requires all Americans to buy health insurance from industry insurers while providing no public option. This bill is due to be voted out of committee on Oct. 13, after which its provisions will be integrated with a second bill already passed by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. When the integration is accomplished, a health-care bill will finally be brought to the Senate floor.

The second film clip was a brief and favorable explanation of the public option by Clinton-era economist Robert Reich, who says the plan simply creates a government entity based within the Medicare system which will provide people who have no insurance the option of buying a policy from the government at a lower premium than the for-profit companies charge.

Questions and comments from the audience closed the evening’s agenda, though lively conversations continued in the theater lobby well past the forum’s end.

Admittedly, the views of those in the Naro audience leaned toward an inclusive national health system in which health care is more of a human right than an earned privilege. At the same time the information presented in the evening’s agenda was not substantively different from what was learned at the Community Conversation on Health Care held Aug. 30 at the Norfolk Farm Market—see my article below, “Is Health Care a Civil Right?”

Clearly, even in Libertarian-leaning Hampton Roads, there is a strong contingent of intelligent people who share the view that health care, at the least, should not be left to run loose in an unregulated market place.

But in all the discussion on this issue, going back decades, we’ve hardly been talking about health care at all. We’ve been talking about money. Who’s going to pay for our care? Meanwhile, the care we’ve been getting for our money, no matter who’s paying for it, is rarely questioned. What constitutes approved treatment is narrowly defined in terms left to medical authorities and industrial lobbyists.

It seems we are terminally invested in a prohibitively expensive, hit-or-miss system of high-tech procedures, complex surgeries, and ever-new drugs with long lists of possible side effects inducing misery and occasionally death, and we rarely question if these treatments are somehow off-track.

Nor are the potential causes of illness looked at squarely. The fact that our factory foods are laced with chemicals of questionable if not dangerously toxic properties, for instance, is generally isolated from the health care debate, even when the evidence of harm is staring policy-makers in the face. There is a societal disconnect between public policy and regulation of even the most commonly known causes of medical problems—excessive salt and sweeteners in most of our foods, for example, or junk marketing aimed at a civilization of fatties glued to their television screens.

Where is the leadership on reforming the American way of life, racked by competitive stress and poisoned by relentless, shameless appeals to sensory indulgence? The crisis in health care is only a symptom of that deeper crisis of a population in which the tools of effective self-diagnosis have been deactivated. Rather than encouraging us to regard our health, even when ill, as an expression of self, who our first task in life is to get to know and understand, we are indoctrinated to run to a doctor for a prescription to “knock it out” at the first sign of a physical aberration.

Fundamentally, Americans are bogged down in a negative medical philosophy. We don’t regard illness as a potential learning experience, expressing, for instance, the body’s simple need to take a break. We certainly don’t see it as part of a deeper healing process preparing us for an enriched future. Instead, illness for us is a condition to be fought off. And that reflects an image of Nature as a stalker, seeking to maim and eventually kill us when our guard is down. This defensive stance against Nature guides the medical philosophy incorporated into all these health-care plans, from single-payer to the current laissez-faire network of corrupt corporations.

Critics of those opposed to all reform plans, on the table or off, are fond of ridiculing their do-nothing opponents. Derisively, they say the Republican health-care plan, for instance, is summed up in one simple injunction: Don’t Get Sick.

Actually, that’s not a bad idea. At least it unencumbers us, pointing us in a direction of health, freeing us from the burdensome spectre of ever-mounting allocations—billions upon billions to maintain the current system with its existing institutions perpetually at war against illness.

We lack a medical philosophy built around health, an approach which aims to keep us well rather than cover the cost of our expensive care when we fall ill.

Can we imagine a world without illness? Such a utopian condition isn’t likely to emerge from Congress or from politicians at town-hall meetings or from community forums and certainly not from behind closed corporate doors. But it can happen within individuals who not only take care of themselves—you know the drill: moderation in all things—but who also understand illness as part of the process of renewing health.

Health care reform has to be about something more—or other—than money. It has to be about healing—in body, of course, but also in the mind, in the psyche, in the soul. Otherwise, any plan passed into law will only exchange one set of physical hassles for another, with the potential for unintended consequences that creates as much suffering as it was meant to relieve. When it comes to health, there has to be a spiritual dimension, and that’s a technology money can’t buy.

“Don’t get sick.” Or better yet, “Stay well.” I think I’ll adopt that as an affirming mantra, not in fear of illness but in embrace of health. What is there to lose? Besides, the way things are shaping up in Washington, it’s the best reform plan that’s likely to come my way.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Not All Martyrs Are Human
Reflections on Nature’s Saints

Is the martyr’s sacrifice an instinct of Nature? Is an individual’s choice to risk and often meet death in order to benefit the larger social group not only allowed for but, at certain points in the flux of time and circumstance, required behavior for the survival of a species?

On Sunday, Oct. 4, something I saw in a segment of 60 Minutes, the CBS newsmagazine, leads me to think this could be so.

The segment is entitled “The Great Migration: An Epic Journey.” (You can watch it here.) It’s a cautionary environmental piece about the annual migration of masses of African wildebeest—a species of antelope—as they follow the seasonal availability of grazing land from Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park into the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya and back again.

Time was when such migrations could be seen flowing across most of the continents of the Earth, Africa included. But with the ascendancy of human beings on the planet most of the great migratory populations—North America’s buffalo, for instance—hover upon extinction. The 350-mile migration of the African wildebeest is the only one of its kind left, according to the information provided by correspondent Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes.

The segment focuses on the impact of expanding human activity in this area, “one of the most awe-inspiring wildlife habitats on Earth,” Pelley narrates. Because humans are clear-cutting forests for fuel and agricultural expansion, water levels in the Mara River, “which cuts right through the migration route” of the wildebeest, are dangerously low. If the Mara dries up, scientists predict, the wildebeest population will collapse, ending the Great Migration and severely endangering all the related wildlife whose survival depends upon it.

Among those potentially endangered creatures are the crocodiles who inhabit the Mara River, which the wildebeest must cross. Easily the most dramatic and disturbing scene in the 60-Minutes segment begins as the wildebeest gather on the banks of the Mara, hesitating to go further because crocodiles, their most deadly natural enemy, are gathering in the water in expectation of an all-you-can eat feast.

After a time, with seemingly thousands of wildebeest stalled on the plain as the crocodiles cruise languidly up and down the river, their knobby heads and watchful eyes just breaking the water’s surface (like a scene out of Peter Pan), two wildebeest suddenly make a run for it across the shallow rapids, arriving safely on the other side just ahead of the crocodiles gathering after them in pursuit.

Then four or five wildebeest follow the first two, plunging into the water right in front of the crocodiles. One of them is taken, drawing as many as five crocs to the scene who pile onto the “chosen one,” seizing it in their fearsome jaws and devouring it alive.

With the crocodiles thus diverted, hundreds of wildebeest cross the river safely at a point upstream from the gruesome scene. The migration goes forward. One herd member is lost, but hundreds of others are able to continue on.

To me, this had the appearance of a preconceived strategy. A few among the wildebeest accepted the risk of self-sacrifice for the good of the herd. Did they draw lots? Was there a discussion in the wildebeest tongue? What process did they go through to designate which of their numbers would undertake a mission which was sure to be fatal to at least one of them?

In any case, since this behavior is clearly natural to wildebeest, might it follow that it must also be part of the natural order of things, possibly a regularly occurring phenomenon throughout Nature? Is it conceivable that martyrdom is a defensive tool which Nature provides for the protection of species? And that when a martyr is required, those who are made of “the right stuff” for the task, whether non-human or human, will step up to take it on?

In our Christian culture—no use denying that Euro-American culture is dominated by Christianity—there’s a lot of guilt permeating the centuries over the issue of martyrdom. Because Jesus sacrificed himself to the crocodiles of his time, because a long roster of saints copied his example in his name, because in our own time Gandhi and King, Malcolm X, the Kennedys, and numerous lesser luminaries got themselves maimed or killed in the course of their service, enabling us to cross the river and continue with our lives, many of us are left with the mistaken assumption that we should be like them, as if martyrdom were not simply one of many natural states but somehow a superior role to which we all should aspire, or, failing that, at least do homage—even to the extent of worshipping—those who play that part.

But what I saw on 60 Minutes offers an alternative view, suggesting that the martyrs, however much we may honor them, are no more heroes, saints, or gods than the rest of us. Rather, they are individuals who embody a naturally occurring function of Nature and who, at the appropriate time, are tasked with self-sacrifice so the well being of the group to which they belong may sustain itself.

Obviously, very few are called to that role—one, for instance, out of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of wildebeest. The rest of us are meant to carry on. Together, we satisfy the greater need of the Life Force to continue creating expressions of itself in all its infinite variety.

It’s comforting to the human ego to think we are special, like no other species on Earth, and therefore qualified—divinely appointed, as some believe—to rule over everyone else. But increasingly we’re learning from researchers that other creatures share those behaviors which we’ve always assumed set us apart, even as we share with them many of their characteristics, often less than admirable in our own minds. One of the most cherished illusions of exceptionalism may well be our assumption that no other species produces the high-mindedness of sacrificial saints who die so the rest of us may live.

But the 60-Minutes segment on the wildebeest migration suggests to me that acts of martyrdom are built into Nature as a natural response to crisis. They are not anomalies, separate from Nature, obeying a supernatural God as the rest of us, of inferior mettle, are unable or unwilling to do. We are mistaken to feel inadequate in their presence. They are a function of Nature, activated when a population’s survival is stressed to a certain critical point by a predatory threat. Their function is to satisfy the predator so the rest of us can fulfill our natural function—to survive and continue the cycle of Life.

If I am correct in this observation, we may find in the example of the fallen wildebeest martyr on 60 Minutes evidence of the unity of human spiritual belief and natural law, of the inseparable identity of God and Nature. We live in a web of life inconceivably complex, perhaps ultimately incomprehensible to the human mind. But recognizing the commonality we share with other life forms, not superficially but at the deepest levels—each, for instance, with our own martyrs and saviors—offers a glimpse, however fleeting, of the bond of common creaturehood which unites us on Earth during the brief time we share together here.

Despite the peculiarity of our positions in a world where we all eat one another to survive, it’s increasingly clear to me that we humans have much more in common with other life forms than we have at variance, and much more than we currently are willing to admit in the arrogance of our cultural consensus regarding human supremacy.

In that context I’m reminded of one of my old hippy mantras, revealed to me by the dogs who accompanied several of us on our journeys back and forth across the country in the 1960s.

“All animals are people, and all people are animals.”

As I thought then, there may be no higher truth than this.