Religion and Politics
Buddies? Or a Deadly Mix?
at a young age, he made his way as a camel boy, tending to the beasts of burden
in caravans of merchants who traded in goods across the prosperous,
seventh-century Mideast. He learned a lot about the ways of the world from that
he had a life-altering encounter with God, and he became a prophet, soon
gathering followers while also making enemies of those who feared or scorned
his message. Yet despite the many insults, rebuffs, and persecutions that came
his way, he practiced non-violence and expected his followers to do the same.
his reputation as a prophet grew, his followers became the majority in the area
around the city of Medina , and Mohammed rose from among them as a political leader in a
culture where religion and politics were not separate. As his influence grew,
he abandoned his earlier non-violent philosophy and became the
commander-in-chief of a tribal-like body which engaged in wars with neighboring
tribal powers.
always thought it was uninformed hearsay that Mohammed’s Muslim armies killed
their defeated enemies if they refused to convert. But apparently, with
Mohammed’s blessing, it did happen on a few occasions.
not used to thinking of religious founders in that way. My own spiritual
heroes—Jesus and Buddha but also Yogananda, Baba Ji, and others—teach pacifism
in the highest sense of that word. They avoid getting involved in politics,
despite the temptation to do so.
made me think about religion as a form of politics. It’s been that way, of
course, for most of history, but it’s not supposed to be that way in the United States . With church and state separate,
non-violence and other spiritual behaviors can become competing ideas in
society. But if church and state are joined, there’s a danger that there will
be no moral check on power, and with unchecked power comes oppression, at least
according to the history I remember from school. Forcing another to confess
belief in your religion or face ostracism, persecution, or even death is a
definite form of oppression.
then began to wonder if it often happens that people lose their idealism, if
not even their spiritual direction, when they gain or attempt to gain power of
a political kind. The most renowned spiritual teachers tell us the world is
just a dream. Why do so many, including spiritual leaders, tend to get lost in
the politics of it?
think they yield to the siren song of power, which is linked to a number of
human vanities but stands by itself as the most dangerous because it
encompasses them all. In our world with its dominant paradigm of violence,
knowing how to exert power with wisdom, justice, and mercy is a blessed
attribute rarely found or taught.
we’re meant to discover it for ourselves.