Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On Blog Talk Radio:
"The Concise Dickens Christmas Carol"

Tonight I tried something new for me. My sister, Kate Loving Shenk, and her friend, Joan Adams, host a weekly internet radio show, Moo, Moon & You: The Collective Wisdom, on blogtalkradio. Last month I proposed to Kate that I come on the show sometime during the Christmas season and perform my one-man, one-hour "Concise Dickens' Christmas Carol," a theater piece I have been performing now in my home region in Hampton Roads, VA, since 2006. (See the press release below.) Kate liked the idea, and we settled on today, Dec. 15, as the best date. At 6 p.m., then, I performed the entire show over my home telephone, and it went out over the internet to an unknown number of listeners and is now available on demand here, in the archives of blogtalkradio:

I'd never performed anything live on radio before, certainly not by telephone, but I must say I am pleased with the results, despite the abundance of vocal plosions and what I judge to be some imperfect transitions between scenes. But for a first try on less than state-of-the-art equipment I can't fault the effort all that much. Give a listen and see what you think!